Profile PictureAmy Jo Ellis

Making Peace with the Past using the Court of Atonement

45 ratings

This 41-page booklet is filled with Court of Atonement “Calls” created to dig deep and remove non-beneficial energies. 

You've heard the old staying. "Like attracts Like"   This statement is profoundly true.   When we have unhealed hurts, regrets, etc.  They may be out of mind, but they still resonate a frequency that attracts similar events to manifest.

Each call in this book is designed to connect to these detrimental energies and requests to search not only your timeline but all throughout your family lineage (ancestors, to grandkids, and inlaws too!)   and resolve as much of this energy as possible. 

Changing the way we feel on the inside will change our level of attraction and allow more joy to come in! 

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Sometimes the unhealed past causes events to unfold in our lives. Sometimes this unhealed past did not start with us. This booklet walks you through releasing ancestral energies as well as our own, so that we can clear out the past and move into a brighter future.

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Making Peace with the Past using the Court of Atonement

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